Network From Distances ====================== Constructs a network from distances between instances. **Inputs** - Distances: A distance matrix. **Outputs** - Network: An instance of Network Graph. - Data: Attribute-valued data set. - Distances: A distance matrix. **Network from Distances** constructs a network graph from a given distance matrix. Graph is constructed by connecting nodes from the matrix where the distance between nodes is below the given threshold. In other words, all instances with a distance lower than the selected threshold, will be connected. ![](images/network-from-distances-stamped.png) 1. Edges: - Distance threshold: a closeness threshold for the formation of edges. - Percentile: the percentile of data instances to be connected. - *Include also closest neighbors*: include a number of closest neighbors to the selected instances. 2. Node selection: - Keep all nodes: entire network is on the output. - Components with at least X nodes: filters out nodes with less than the set number of nodes. - Largest connected component: keep only the largest cluster. 3. Edge weights: - Proportional to distance: weights are set to reflect the distance (closeness). - Inverted distance: weights are set to reflect the inverted distance (difference). 4. Information on the constructed network: - Data items on input: number of instances on the input. - Network nodes: number of nodes in the network (and the percentage of the original data). - Network edges: number of constructed edges/connections (and the average number of connections per node). Example ------- **Network from Distances** creates networks from distance matrices. It can transform data sets from a data table via distance matrix into a network graph. This widget is great for visualizing instance similarity as a graph of connected instances. ![](images/network-from-distances-example.png) We took ** to visualize instance similarity in a graph. We sent the output of **File** widget to **Distances**, where we computed Euclidean distances between rows (instances). Then we sent the output of **Distances** to **Network from Distances**, where we set the distance threshold (how similar the instances have to be to draw an edge between them) to 0.222. We kept all nodes and set edge weights to *proportional to distance*. Then we observed the constructed network in a [Network Explorer]( We colored the nodes by *iris* attribute.